

COVENANT OF PRAISE CHURCH OF GOD is part of the worldwide evangelistic movement of the Church of God. From it's inception the Church of God has been a revival movement. The church has maintained an aggressive effort to take the message of Christ throughout the world by all means and methods, and currently has Missionaries in 157 countries organized in 8 geographical regions.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Active Missionaries

Men and Women of Action

Men and Women of Action is a humanitarian program, It organizes relief efforts following natural disasters and assists in church building projects around the globe..

Volunteers in Medical Missions

Volunteers in Medical Missions (VIMM) provides medical care and supplies to needy areas around the world.  The Church of God provides avenues of outreach for the organization and supplies are provided through private organizations.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.

Covenant of Praise Church of God